About NMR

NMR was founded in 2001 with a mission of providing independent, high-quality evaluation and market assessment services to administrators and regulators of energy-efficiency and renewable energy programs.

NMR measures the impacts of energy-efficiency and renewable energy programs and provides strategic guidance for improving program design and delivery. We provide clients with research-based information and insights to help them focus program efforts based on prevailing market structures and conditions.

See Our Work

Our Place in the Industry

We have provided evaluation services in 19 of the top 25 states for energy-efficiency policy and programs, as ranked by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy in its state scorecard.* Our evaluation experience spans the entire North American continent.

Our Employees

NMR is made up of 36 employee-owners. Our staff includes six people with PhDs in fields such as economics, engineering and public policy, demography, and various social sciences; and 17 people with masters’ degrees in fields such as energy and environmental analysis, economics, business administration, and public policy.

*Based on ACEEE’s 2022 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.

Our Values

NMR’s core values are environmental stewardship, producing the highest quality work possible, and concern and care for colleagues’ professional and personal welfare and equity.
In 2017, NMR became employee-owned through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).

“The greatest benefit of our transition to an ESOP is that it will allow NMR to maintain its culture and core values. Living out these values has kept our employee turnover rate very low, providing continuity in project management and maintaining in-depth knowledge of project and program history."

Lynn Hoefgen Founder and President Emeritus

Anti-Racism Statement

NMR is working toward becoming a company that is actively anti-racist. We recognize the oppressive impacts of systemic racism in our society. While we strive to create a diverse workforce, we acknowledge that, to date, our staff and board are majority white. We also acknowledge that our company has more work to do in order to do our part to help counter systemic racism. To continue to foster a workplace that is welcoming of all employees, we will identify and provide anti-racism training and educational resources for staff and encourage company engagement through continued discussion. In addition, we are continuing to examine all areas of our company including policy, procedures, and decision-making. We pledge to hold ourselves accountable and where we identify issues, we will endeavor to develop solutions and specific actions to be proactively anti-racist.

We expect this statement to evolve as we work to make our commitment to anti-racism and environmental justice a reality; our recently modified core purpose – our aspirational reason for being – is as follows:

We help preserve and protect the environment and promote human welfare and equity.

Each day we seek to preserve and protect the environment by producing evaluations of energy-efficiency programs, purchasing carbon offsets, composting, and committing to a car-free commute. And each day we advance human welfare within our company by showing care and concern for our colleagues by encouraging a healthy work-life balance and fostering a supportive environment. However, we have more work to do to advance human welfare and equity at NMR and in our communities. In the meantime, we strongly believe this issue is too important for us to stay silent.

Our Carbon Assessment

Being efficient and green is more than a business model for NMR.
It represents a personal commitment to our community and our planet.

Low Carbon Commuting: Nearly half of our staff members are full-time telecommuters; this reduces the carbon emissions associated with utilities and commuting. Those who do work in the office get there by walking, biking, or taking public transportation.

Green Business Practices: NMR leases solar panels to provide electricity to our offices. We also compost our food waste, print double-sided on 100% recycled paper, recycle our paper and plastics, and use environmentally friendly cleaning products.

Our Carbon Assessment: Each year, NMR participates in a corporate-wide carbon footprint assessment that measures our contribution to carbon dioxide emissions. The results of this assessment are used as the basis for purchasing offsets for 100% of the carbon emissions we are responsible for.

For example, NMR’s 2021 business activities, including travel, resulted in 105,111 pounds, or 48 tons, of carbon dioxide emissions. This is a decrease of 52% over 2018 and 45% over 2016. This decrease in emissions is due to a dramatic reduction in business travel, with these emissions plummeting by 91%. This represents a real change between 2018 and 2021, as the workforce transitioned almost entirely to working from home and taking far fewer business trips as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. No employees used airplanes and very few employees drove in 2021.

Additionally, as a result of most employees working from home, daily commute emissions dropped by 45%, while emissions from working from home increased by 75%. NMR gained four new employees in 2021, but downsized to two offices between 2018 and 2021 and further down to one in 2024. This also contributed to changes in home office and commute emissions.