Joanne O’Donnell
DirectorJoanne O’Donnell joined NMR in February of 2013. She has experience managing energy-efficiency program evaluations in the low-income, First Nation, residential, and business sectors, with a focus on process evaluation, net-to-gross analysis, and market research. She has a particular interest in understanding how efficiency programs can best serve disadvantaged communities. Joanne has contributed to program evaluations in her former capacity with Opinion Dynamics Corporation and has also worked with the Consortium for Energy Efficiency to bring together program administrators, trade allies, and other market actors to develop effective program design strategies and templates.
Joanne holds an MA in Energy and Environmental Analysis and two bachelor’s degrees – in Environmental Analysis & Policy and Political Science – from Boston University. In her free time, Joanne enjoys trying new recipes, participating in a long-running book club, and exploring New York City.