NMR Presents Findings and Recommendations to PA Public Utilities Commission
On February 7, 2024, NMR presented findings from our 2023 Pennsylvania statewide residential baseline study to stakeholders of the PA Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in Harrisburg, PA. The baseline study is a key part of the planning for future phases of Act 129 energy efficiency and conservation programs. The slides are available here.
The stakeholder meetings continued the following day as NMR and the rest of the Statewide Evaluator team presented a summary of proposed changes to the 2026 Technical Reference Manual (TRM). The TRM is a critical resource for estimating annual electric energy savings and coincident peak demand savings for energy-efficient technologies and measures installed through Act 129 programs. The TRM slides are available here.
NMR has proudly led the Statewide Evaluator team since 2016 and looks forward to continuing our work with the Pennsylvania PUC and electric distributor companies to advance Act 129’s goals. Keep an eye out for the full residential baseline study report’s release soon, as well as the draft 2026 TRM, available for public comment later in 2024.